The 30-Day Fasting Reset

This course is designed to empower you in establishing a successful fasting lifestyle for hormonal balance.

  • In-person
  • Tuesday, April 15, 2025
  • 6:00 - 8:00 PM
  • The Chattery Downtown 231 Broad Street Chattanooga, TN 37402

This course is designed to empower you in establishing a successful fasting lifestyle for hormonal balance.

Do you wish you:

  • Had more energy every day?
  • Could get rid of (or never begin having) hot flashes?
  • Could go through PMS without cramps/clotting/spotting?
  • Weren’t (or never would be) pre/diabetic?
  • No longer suffered from autoimmune conditions like PCOS?
  • Were able to avoid chronic illness and disease as you age?
  • Could prevent having (or get rid of) joint pain?
  • Had more brain clarity?
  • Could overcome weight-loss resistance?

Choosing the right foods to support hormonal health and incorporating a fasting lifestyle can offer the comprehensive cellular healing benefits you desire for both your body and mind.

This course is designed to empower you in establishing a successful fasting lifestyle. Teacher Barbara Geldert will walk you through a 30-day protocol, guiding you on tailoring your approach to meet your unique hormonal needs throughout the month. You'll gain insights into how your menstrual cycle, or absence of it, influences optimal fasting and eating habits for hormonal balance.

Special emphasis will be placed on individuals who have entered menopause or undergone surgical menopause. Barbara will share her personal journey and the strategies she utilized to overcome the challenging symptoms she faced during perimenopause. You can read about it here: Barbara's Menopause Journey.

Who can benefit from this fasting reset?

  • Individuals without a cycle who want to build a fasting lifestyle
  • Individuals new to fasting and want to build a fasting lifestyle
  • Veteran fasters – there will be a few nuggets you can implement

About the teacher:

Barbara Geldert, the Hormonista®, owns Full Cycle Hormones ( She supports individuals in recognizing how the constant fluctuation of hormones affects body and mind. She works with individuals who have regular or irregular cycles, those who have experienced a full or partial hysterectomy, and those who have entered menopausal years and beyond.

Barbara brings over 25 years of experience as an adult education professional, leadership development coach and K-12 teacher.

Additionally, she is a certified FLAG coach, collaborating with renowned expert Dr. Mindy Pelz. The FLAG coaching methodology is inspired by Dr. Pelz's insightful works, "Fast Like a Girl", "The Menopause Reset" and "Eat Like a Girl." In her coaching role, Barbara helps individuals from puberty through post-menopause, reset and balance their hormones.

Barbara also serves as a Menopause Champion with the Menopause Experts Group (MEG) in the UK. Through seminars, webinars, workshops, and one-on-one consultations, she supports those navigating peri/post-menopause. She also partners with corporations to inform leaders and employees about menopause. She explains the physiological and psychological changes involved and advises on how best to support affected colleagues.

Register Here ($12.51)

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